Every time I start something new, there is this little voice in the back of my head. Not the voice of reason cheering me on, but the voice of maybe. The voice that perfectly addresses all the unknown. The voice that addresses all the possible outcomes. One by one. Totally and utterly unappreciated. Why? Because the positive outcomes seem to have gotten ”lost”. The voice of maybe perfectly balances the disastrous outcomes that are possible. Do you know that voice?

I’m sure you do. I think it is also safe to assume that you think this voice needs to 🤫. The only thing it is doing is creating doubts, worries and unnecessary stress. What is so bad about taking a leap of faith? A lot is my first answer. There are many many things that can go wrong. Things that I can’t even imagine or predict. Which is a very very very daunting thought. Also it makes the voice of maybe right to exist and to speak up because it is alerting me & you and trying to keep us safe however..
A coin has two sides. The other side is what if it all turns out well? I mean plans have been made. We’re not taking a leap of faith blindfolded. The plan is the guide. When following the plan there’s a very reasonable chance of making a turn around or a leap of faith a huge success. There will definitely be unforeseen things on the road, because this is life. We can only control so much. When we execute what we can control well, there is very little that can go wrong. I think, I hope and I trust in.

In the end both sides have a purpose, one to protect and the other to keep the faith. Neglecting one or the other will do us a disservice. Tipping the scale a little to the positive doesn’t seem like a such a bad idea when silently monitoring the negative. The negative still needs to be monitored because it can and will save us from unnecessary bloopers. So even though it seems like the best of ideas to make the voice of maybe 🤫, it is actually helping.
Don’t let the voice of maybe convince you that there’s only one side.

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