This week could be described in one word, clarity. Clarity about what I want, need and have to do. You know how they say when one door closes another one opens. It is feeling quite a lot like that. Even though I do not really know what door is closing, I am still certain another➳Continue Reading…
From Tension To Clarity, What A life
I have yet to figure out what the tension I have been feeling is. This past week it popped up less, but when it did it stayed significantly longer. I wonder whether this is a sign that I am doing more things right. Or, what could also be true, I am doing less things wrong.➳Continue Reading…
Is Conscious Awareness Always Great?
Conscious awareness, the part of us that allows us to know and realize what is happening. In psychology it is said that as long as you are not consciously aware of what is happening, you are unable to change it. I guess that is true because since last week I have become almost painfully aware➳Continue Reading…
Coming To My Senses
I’ve slowly started coming to my senses when I was reminded of what Elsie de Wolfe had said: “I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life”. Elsie De Wolfe I can’t help but to completely agree without a doubt in my mind. This week I went back to the➳Continue Reading…
Balancing Time
I guess in the end it is all about balance. Balance and knowing what to balance. Something I figured out this week. I found something out about myself that I never would have realized if I had not changed my life once again. Well, I haven’t actually changed my life, I just made it a➳Continue Reading…
Too Soon For Change
I’ve realized what was happening last week. My life is changing, which is obvious but it was changing in the wrong direction. No wonder I panicked. From the moment I started my life changing journey, I had a vision for my life. The vision was perfectly clear. Unfortunately the past week, well two weeks actually,➳Continue Reading…