“What will people think?” a question so short yet so powerful. If you’ve been reading my blog you can already guess what I think about this question. If you’re new, welcome, that question makes my skin crawl. In my post about inhibitions I somehow concluded that alcohol gives us an excuse to freely go make➳Continue Reading…
Inhibitions: Real or Made Up?
Inhibitions, the thing that for various reasons stops us from doing what we want to do. A word that goes hand in hand with inhibition is shame. It is often said that people do not do things because they are ashamed of what people might say or how it might look. Now I wonder if➳Continue Reading…
An Occupied Mind
Those days when you wake up with one thing on your mind, it is almost as if overnight you have acquired an obsession. No matter what you do, your mind keeps wandering back to that one thought. A production of your own mind, not even a real thing at least not that you are aware➳Continue Reading…
The Impact Of Resolutions, Starting Points and July 1st On Our Lives
July 1st is the beginning of many things. It is the beginning of a new month, it is beginning of the summer holidays period and so on. Most importantly it is the beginning of the last six months of the year. That’s right, six months have passed since we raised our glasses for the beginning➳Continue Reading…
Precious Time: The Most Special Thing You Own
There’s no time like the present to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do. All the activities belonging to the ‘’one day’’- list should be executed on a day that is actually part of the week. Same goes for the plans set up as ‘’If this happens, then I’ll do that’’ and the➳Continue Reading…
Change Of Thought
In the end it all started with the mind. Every change, every step started with the mind. The way the mind thinks about every aspect of one’s life will most likely determine how one feels about those aspects. So in order to direct life into the picture perfect version in one’s head, one needs to➳Continue Reading…