We have a lot of tedious tasks that we have to do and when you live alone you have to do them all yourself. I’m thinking of tasks such as the dishes, laundry, filing your taxes etc etc. you have to do them to make your life run smoother. However you don’t have to suffer through doing them, well let me rephrase that you get to decide in burst of how long you *enjoy* your have to do tasks. You can consider this an elaboration of the 5 minute rule mentioned in the Stop Setting Traps For Yourself post. You can find more ways to CEO your life to run smoother there. Here, I’m going to show how to use the timer app to your utmost advantage.
The way to let your life run smoother is by using the simple app we all have on our phone. As you could read in the title it is the timer app. Honestly I don’t understand how people can live without it. It honestly makes life so much better, especially when doing things you dislike doing. It’s simple really, before you start a task you map out how long you need for it, set the timer and basically the race begins. This race is great for three reasons;
Why you should use a timer
1. Combat Procrastination
The thing with most tasks that we don’t like doing is that we put them off. When you attach a time limit you actively tell yourself that there is an end to your ‘’suffering’’ because when the time runs out your task or part of your task should be done. The mental load of foreseeing yourself doing it all eternity is gone, making it much easier to start and get it done!
2. You’re actively training yourself
The more times you finish the task within let’s say 10 minutes you will start catching on to how to do it in order to finish within time. You’ll probably come up with more efficient ways to do your task at hand and you will be training yourself in two manners. First in the way to do it fast enough, this doesn’t mean careless or sloppy it just means highly effective. Second by seeing that you got the potentially tedious work done in the blink of an eye will make you not hate it as much over time. At least that is the case with me.
3. Euphoria of beating the timer
There really is nothing like beating the timer and giving yourself some time to appreciate yourself for getting your things done without having to feel annoyed by it. Personally, I feel like an athlete passing the finish line at a new best record. Yes I am implying that I actively try to beat the clock. I mean you have to make it fun, right?! What’s the fun in setting a timer if you’re going to keep resetting it and basically keep torturing yourself? No, no don’t do that! Challenge yourself! Take a minute off the next time you do it, the adrenaline kick it’ll give you will make you excited to jump in and win on more than one level.
The reality is you have to get your tedious tasks done. Your life will run smoother and you will most definitely thank yourself for it later. So instead of creating more moments when you are being mean to yourself for nothing doing it, or rushing to get something done because you chose doing something fun over doing the task, play yourself in a good way by basking in the euphoria of actively improving yourself. I know you can do it, I believe in you. Also let me know your results, tweet, or mail me! Â
You’re a star for getting things done and being kind to yourself so here’s your medal! You’ve earned it!
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