In last weeks post I said something that completely contradicts my usual tone of positivity and dream chasing. Just to give you a spoiler alert; No, I’m not going to retract it. Also I don’t suddenly feel negative about everything in life. That being said, the fact that I uttered what I felt made me feel better which got me thinking about the positive way of life. Better said about out balancing your negative emotions and what acknowledging your feelings and emotions can do for you.
I am well aware of what you focus on will manifest. Not like Houdini but your believe will help you create and navigate towards what you want. Out of a pure logical standpoint only focusing on the positive jolly parts of life makes sense. However as I have said many times. This is life, it doesn’t always go the way we want. No matter how controlling you are. Life is a mess and sometimes, hopefully not often, life’s messes will mess with your life. Obviously this messes with your positivity plan. I’m here to tell you that it is okay.

No, actually it is perfectly fine to feel miserable, sad, angry or annoyed. It is perfectly okay feel all your feelings and emotions. From a point of positivity it feels like shutting this all down is the best idea. Absolutely not. Feelings and emotions have this annoying habit of going away, as you wished, but then coming back at the most inconvenient hour. Ohh and guess what? The original feelings and emotions that you pushed away brought their friends, who could be much worse. Their goal? Have an, as they say in popular terms, ‘’absolutely lit’’ party whether you want to or not. Now what are you going to do?
You acknowledge your feelings and emotions. No matter how negative they are, acknowledge them. Stay in if you need to. Feel the need to cry? Do it! By all means scream in a pillow if you need to*. Do whatever it is you need to do, as long as it isn’t illegal or hurting somebody else, to not bundle up your feelings inside yourself. By letting them out in your preferred way you create space to think clearly again. You take yourself out of a choke hold. Not only that, you are also protecting yourself from a far worse breakdown. However if you feel the need to not participate in life for a few days, do it (see why that is healthy here). Stay in and have yourself a long ”me – moment”.
Let’s be really honest here. When has pushing our feelings and emotions away really worked out for us? Just think about that while I continue to tell you that you have to take your feelings and emotions by the hand and work through them. Does acknowledging the way you feel mean you are now a negative person? No, absolutely not. By allowing yourself to feel the negative emotions you show yourself love. You give yourself the love and support we normally seek from others when in distress. Now I have one last question. Has anything that your surrounding said actually ever helped before you were ready to deal with the way you were feeling?
*For the sake of still wanting to have a place to live. I strongly suggest to not scream without the pillow. Your neighbours will thank you instead of calling the cops on you!

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