In the end it all started with the mind. Every change, every step started with the mind. The way the mind thinks about every aspect of one’s life will most likely determine how one feels about those aspects. So in order to direct life into the picture perfect version in one’s head, one needs to start at the root which means a change of thought. Changing the way one thinks about concepts such as time-, thought management, energy and surroundings just to name a few. Not only the way one thinks needs to change, the feelings need to change as well. There needs to be an overall agreement between the mind and heart.
To get to this overall agreement one needs to break down one’s foundation and reevaluate every part of the thought patterns. Every core believe, every core concept and every aspect because these are the things on which one’s current life is based on. To get to the life one dreams about one needs to rebuild the foundation based on concepts and beliefs that fit the life of one’s dreams.
Over the course of the upcoming weeks I will be tackling the concepts I believe need to change in order to create the picture perfect life that I have in my head. You can find all the changes I made here. My picture perfect will most likely not be your picture perfect, so keep in mind to adjust some aspects to fit your version of picture perfect.
Change of thought will eventually lead to a change of life.
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