Making dreams and reality one and the same is one of the slogans of my life. This year started with one dream becoming my reality. I have been wanting to go back to Disney for the longest of times. The magic, the stories I needed some of that in my adult life. To be honest, I still watch Disney movies and listen to Disney songs. As an adult I now finally understand the meaning, there’s much more to it than just a nice sing along. Certain events are just much more special when celebrated at Disney. One of them being New Year’s Eve at Disneyland. I started the year with magic.

At the beginning of my favorite Disney movie they show Cinderella’s Castle with some fireworks going off behind it. It has been a dream of mine to see that happen in real life. There’s only one night I could think off that Disney would make my dream come true which is New Year’s eve. That’s right I opened 2018 standing in front of Cinderella’s Castle watching the fireworks show. When I say in front, I really mean in front. I watched the countdown on the door of Cinderella’s Castle and when it hit zero the magical firework show started.
As soon as I heard the first bang I told myself, ‘’Happy New Year Princess’’. I started the year with magic as was expected by spending new year’s eve at Disneyland Paris. The firework show was one for the books. The way the castle lit up and the waterplay in the fountain was magical to see. Also not to forget the music. Disney music really makes you feel like you can go out and conquer everything and realize all your dreams. The show totally exceeded my expectations, which were high, I mean we’re talking Disney here; The happiest place on earth.

I was at the happiest place on earth being the happiest girl alive. Really as soon as I arrived I started smiling. When you get to the parks and you start seeing the lights and hearing the music you really feel like you left planet earth an entered a new world. But wait let me take you back to the start of the night. The New Year’s Eve celebration was held at Disneyland Park. The music at the fountain instantly made me skip and sing along. In my head though! My inner child immediately woke up.
I arrived a little late so I was unable to see the full parade, but the universe worked with me here and I did see Cinderella. For those of you who don’t know, Cinderella is my Princess, favorite Disney movie and I know all the songs of the movie. Well, I know most Disney songs but those I know word for word. No shame. After watching the parade I started my mission. Before even packing my bags I knew I needed to have one item. My Minnie ears. I know such a cliche, but hey it’s Disney the place where your inner child should be let out. I was unwilling to walk Main Street without Minnie ears!
After completing my mission I walked Main Street. There’s nothing like walking Main Street for the very first time. Granted, I have been to Disneyland Paris many times before but always as a child so I don’t remember a lot of it. At 23 I’m able to fully take in the magic. It was nothing short of magical. The lights, the special effects the music everything was as magical as I imagined it would be. When I arrived at Cinderella’s Castle I nearly cried because I was so happy. I went in the castle and felt as girly as ever.

I wandered around the park until they started closing it off to start preparing for the firework show. That’s when I took my place in front of Cinderella’s Castle to wait for the show. The people doing crowd control were really entertaining. They were making sure we weren’t getting cold by making us dance, clap and sing along. One of them really had the excitement in him and got everybody going dancing and singing along.
After the show I noticed that they were selling champagne, in the park! As far as I have known no alcohol is sold in the park. Only at Disney Village and at the Disney hotels. The only place one can get alcohol in the park is at the secret club 33. I saw my chance to get a drink in the park so I took it. If the chance is there to do something normally is not possible take it!* I got my glass of champagne and cheered in the New Year. Started the year with magic. Disney Magic, which is the best kind of magic if you ask me.
I started the year realizing one of my dreams let’s continue on that path.
*Not promoting excessive alcohol use! If you’re going to drink do it responsively or not at all.

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