We all blinked twice and it is October 1st of 2018. Do you know what this means? Let me tell you in some daunting facts. It means that *nine* months of 2018 have already passed which in the same breath means that there are only *three* months left in 2018. These two statements together mean that it is time to stop and think about this year. What have we done? How has it been? How is that goal list going? But more importantly it’s time to start thinking about what the 2018 story is going to be.

Personally I reflect on these days. I scroll through my calendar to see what all I have done. Since I’m a planner everything is in there even down to the actual movie tickets taped to the page. Weird I know, but nostalgia.. After seeing all that is part of the 2018 story I start thinking about what I want the 2018 story to be, what it is and whether I want to continue writing it in the same way. The big question to answer is “What stories do you want to have written by the time it’s December 31st of 2018?”
Knowing that today is October 1st means that the “final” bell has rung. It’s time to shoot into action to make sure no 2018 story is left unwritten. However do not let the fact that it is only three months till 2019 scare you. Take it as an opportunity to make the most of 2018 with the time you have left. Take it as a gift that you’ve “woken up” just in time to make the home stretch a joyous success. Also when you look at it in seconds, 7.948.800, the time left becomes a whole lot ”more”!

Remember that looking to the future is always a time to see and create opportunities. The future gives possibilities to infuse your story with your desired changes. It is not something you should fear. The future can be as miraculous and wonderful as you plan and execute for it to be. Yes life can throw in some curveballs. But really would life be as exciting without them? Something to think about, no? Anyways the 2018 story might only still be 92 days long but that does not mean they can’t be the greatest yet.
The only question left to ask is; “What stories do you want to have written by the time it’s December 31st of 2018?”.
Ps. Need help finding your own path? Beneath are some links that can absolutely help you do just that!
- How to figure out what your story will consist of
- Go from goal to plan
- Different ways to schedule your day

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