There’s no time like the present to do all the things you’ve always wanted to do. All the activities belonging to the ‘’one day’’- list should be executed on a day that is actually part of the week. Same goes for the plans set up as ‘’If this happens, then I’ll do that’’ and the ‘’First I have to do this, then I’ll do it. There’s just no other way.’’. That is all ludacris. It is muting your own heart and stealing your own happiness. It’s deliberately putting tears to your eyes instead of a smile on your face. All because the timing is not right, while our precious time just keeps ticking away.
Those of us who don’t plan things on ”one day” but on ”someday” are wrong too, which I discuss in this post.
There is no such thing as the right or the wrong timing. There is just time. Precious time to be exact. Precious time that should be invested in activities, people and things that you love. Time is and will forever be the most precious thing that you own. It is so precious for two reasons. The first and most important reason is that once a second has passed you can never get it back. The whole thought of being able to make up for lost times is false, because it would mean that you could pause current time, go back, make up and when you’re done hit play again. This is not possible in the world we live in, we can only invest new time into old activities.
The second reason has to do with the way that we spend our time. The way we choose to spend our time has a direct effect on our happiness, our thoughts and on our feelings.

It’s because of the above mentioned reasons that we have to ask ourselves:
Is what I’m about to invest my precious time in contributing to my happiness in one way or another?
If the answer is no, then why are you doing it? Is it because it will bring you closer to finally doing something on your ‘’one day’’- list? Or is it out of pure habit? If it is out of pure habit, then again I ask: Why are you doing it? Does it still make sense and contribute to your happiness? In other words being selective with our precious time is key.
I’m not saying anything new here. We know that time is running out with every second that passes. I’m just wondering why do we keep setting up ‘’if this, then that’’ – plans for the things that we really want to do, when we are aware of the fact that our time is limited?
Another why to wonder about.

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