During history class lots of facts and/or stories known about Cleopatra have been told. However when I had to do my own research about her I stumbled upon a fact I still have not forgotten 10+ years later
(I cap it at 10+ because *cringe!* Time is flying by.. )! We’re talking primary school here just to be clear. Either way that’s besides the point. The point is that I found out that Cleopatra used a real gold mask everyday. At least that’s what been said. No one of this day and age has been able to ask for obvious reasons. True or not, obviously my little self has been wanting to try that ever since. And Guess what? Now I have! Best believe I am incredibly happy.

I actually didn’t go looking for the gold mask, it came to me as a present from my mother. At first I was very skeptical because how would I know whether I would be getting the same facial as Cleopatra? I came around when I realized there was only one way to find out. I had to try the mask. I mean my little self wanted to feel like Cleopatra and now I had the chance so I had to take it! Plus it is said that gold can enhance the elasticity of your skin and slow down the aging process, which is why Cleopatra used it. I am still young but hey prevention* is better than curing right?
*Disclaimer: Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is you, yourself. Throw society ‘’rules’’ out of the window and just do what makes you happy. I personally love giving myself a facial purely because it relaxes me, not to enhance/change the way I look. *Healthy* (← key word) skin benefits of facials are great but I don’t do them for anti-aging/wrinkle or anything like that. Do what is safe, makes you feel beautiful and good from the inside out. Also aging is the goal, remember that my wonders!
Time to start ‘’transforming’’ myself into Cleopatra and try the gold mask. Firstly the consistency of the mask is really thick. When I tried getting some on my brush it really felt as if I was poking through a barrier (of gold.. haha). I had to get quite a bit on my brush before being able to apply it to my face to start covering my face. I did notice that as the mask warmed up to my body temperature it got easier to spread, not liquid, just easier to spread. Come to think of it, the toughness in spreading it could be due to the fact that it is a peel off mask. After covering my entire face I let the mask sit for the recommended 20 minutes.

I thought it would be appropriate to sit on a throne as Cleopatra was a queen. I created one for myself out of pillows to sort of simulate a reclining chair. I did this on top of the couch to really get that ancient throne height. I know it sound weird, but it was really comfortable. I sat there with my head perfectly rested on a gazillion (almost used every pillow in the house) pillows. Even created special rests for my arms. Yes I really went to town to give myself that royal feel. Just passing a mirror was not enough. Even though looking at your face covered in gold does make one feel ‘’fancy’’. It was great fun sitting on my ‘’throne’’ with my gold mask on! The only thing missing was me being fanned. I guess that really would have been doing the most.. !
If a Cleopatra Face Mask isn’t for you, I have many more in rotation that are also on the blog! For example an Aloe Vera mask or an Baking Soda face mask. There are many more, you can search ”face mask” and they will pop straight up. Enjoy!
For some reason I thought that because it is a peel off mask it would not become as hard, however I was terribly wrong. Near the end of my 20 minutes all I could do was blink, which made me terrified of peeling it off. I saw pain in my future which I wanted to avoid at all costs. I mean pain does not fit the Cleopatra queen narrative I was going for. I actually considered washing if off, but I didn’t! I was brave and peeled the mask off. I have to say peeling off the mask was incredibly satisfying, especially if you can keep it in one piece. I also remained pain free-ish.

The only hiccup I had was that I got some of the gold mask on my eyebrows and baby hairs. Needless to say but when I peeled the mask off that did kind of hurt. So avoid doing that at all costs! After the gold mask my face felt very soft and very moisturized which I did not expect. I’ve been using the mask for three months now and (pre Lima) and I absolutely love the feel of my face after having it on. Also the look in the mirror remains great. My little self is completely pleased to have lived out my Cleopatra gold mask fantasy.
I can’t link you to the same gold mask I used as my gold mask came from Greece, the place where Cleopatra is actually from, how cool!
You never know when you will be able to live out a dream, however if the opportunity presents itself; take the chance!
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