Il Dolce far Niente – The sweetness of doing nothing. That is how an Italian, I think, would sum up my Sunday night. I, instead of going through a process of a full body treatment, decided to do a rest treatment. I snuggled up in bed with my blankets. Yes, I am that girl with a gazillion blankets. When I was all cozy and warm I started my movie. Eat, Pray, Love.
Obviously I made it a cheat moment as well. I mean one needs chips, cookies and candy while watching a movie. I did however drink water so I did not totally cheat, I say to console myself. Just give me this pass, you know what I mean. Anyhow I had already seen the movie but it was extremely long ago that I could not really remember what exactly happened. It just felt like the right movie to watch at this particular moment.
I obviously loved the movie. I was completely engaged in it and forgot about my own life, very much having my Il Dolce far Niente moment one could say. So much so that when I finally finished watching it, it was way later than expected. I do not regret a thing. The movie completely captivated me. So much so that I started writing things down. Yes, I took out a notepad and wrote down items that suit my current life, things I should think about, beautiful phrases and questions. A lot of questions.
The part I loved the most, SPOILER ALERT for anyone who was not watched it yet. Well, I cannot say loved the most but one of the moments I absolutely love is when they all say their one word. One word to describe the different cities and their own personal one word. It made me think about what my one word would be. It is not the only thing I am left thinking about after rewatching Eat, Pray, Love. This treat yourself unleashed a whole train of thought while simultaneously relaxing me. I guess it was multitasking at its finest, while still doing nothing.
What is your personal one word? Which, by the way, cannot be your occupation.
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