It’s okay to have a day. Sometimes taking a moment just isn’t enough. Those times call for a moment to last a day, maybe even two. There is absolutely no shame in needing a day to catch your breath. You know this human race thing is exhausting. Some days it wins and catching your breath is all that is left. I know it’s always said to keep going, even I say it but listen you’re still going even if you are not directly working on your projects. You need a healthy you, those projects need a healthy you.
I know when we say the human race we don’t really mean humans racing, but my god does it feel that way sometimes. The only difference with an actual race is that in this race there aren’t that many water stands. If you want to replenish all that you sweat out during your race you’re going to need to build your own water stand. Not only that when and if you do, it immediately feels as if you’re going to come in last. This, this is simply not true. I’m going to repeat it to make sure that you read it. You’re not going to come in last because you took a break.
Every flower needs water in order to grow. Some of us are well off with just a cup, others need a bottle and some need a river. Whatever you need, you need to give it to yourself. Your world will not come crashing down because you decided that it is okay to have a day. A day of filling your resources, charging your batteries and catching your breath. Participating in this human race is as hard as it is wonderful, in order for it to stay wonderful most of the time you need to give yourself time to catch your breath.
The human race needs a healthy you. A healthy you in every sense of the word healthy. Emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally healthy. Now I have a question. We all here are humans. Humans that need to re-energize in all sorts of ways. Why is it that we continue the human race even though the meter clearly is going way in the red? As we are humans at some point something’s got to give. Wouldn’t you rather have that something be a day and not something way worse?
The human race will always continue but how you decide to race is for you to determine.
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