What is happening to the world?! Every day we hear about more grim situations that people are being put in and my heart breaks a little more for them every day. Of course I am talking about the effects of the COVID-19 or the coronavirus. To be perfectly honest I first didn’t want to say anything about it because My Story Of I.com is the place I go to, to escape the world and not be confronted with it even more, even though in my wonderlogues I do discuss my life and write my way to sanity which is what is happening here. Trying to find the beauty in chaos. I also want my escape to be yours as well, perhaps even be your beauty in this chaos, but I also want to remain honest and authentic and I can’t ignore this awful chaos as if it were just a little thing in passing.
Trying To Find Beauty In Chaos Everywhere I Can
I couldn’t do that even when I tried, because when I sit down to write all I think about is all that is happening in the world and the significance and insignificance of some things. Now it’s been already two weeks that I was actively researching my next trip (having to do with Juliet & Romeo) and now all I do is pray and hope that Italy, and the entire world for that matter will be okay so we all can slowly start to thrive again. For us to see the beauty of the world once again. The situation is making me wonder about the feeling I had when I first saw Duomo in real life. All I could ask myself was; ‘’Why did I wait so long?’’. Now I am, more than ever, incredibly grateful for all the experiences I have had. Grateful for having seen the beauty of the world. Just goes to show how important valuing our time is. You know I can write about that for days, so I’m going to leave it at that for now even though it is very much front and center in my mind right now.
I just can’t help but wonder about you wonders, how are you doing? Have you been having thoughts about your own life? Been wondering about the little things? If you want to have a chat feel free to email me.
During these awful times please take good care of yourself wonder. Being healthy and staying healthy is way more important than anything you can think of doing outside to entertain yourself. Please follow the instructions of your local medical experts and governments. They know why they are saying what they are saying and taking the measures they are taking. I can’t plead with you enough, take care of yourself and the ones around you while maintaining proper protection for all parties involved. I know I always say that tomorrow is not a promise but right now at least try to safeguard tomorrow to how the risks were in 2019.
I am not going to make an entire post about the coronavirus or COVID-19 because I am absolutely sure that with all that is on the news you, and I for that matter, get enough of that already. I always used to read the news after breakfast but right now I’m downright scared to do so, because of all the different tragic reports from all over the world. To all the people working in the medical field and other essential professions, thank you for all that you do. My heart goes out to all people who are suffering through the virus or know someone that is suffering through the virus. Also, for everyone who has lost someone due to the coronavirus I am incredibly sorry for your loss.
I, now, instead of reading the news or right after reading it, will go and hunt down positive and happy news, because I know it is there. Through the past 4 years I have come to know that the world is beautiful and worth discovering. I know for a fact that there are more good things that happen than bad, I just have to look for them. Perhaps to you that is not a fact, but I will always consider it so. Call me naive, but ever since I was a little girl I believed in the beauty of the world and the people in it. When I was old enough to see it for myself, that feeling got confirmed through the big things that happened and the little things. Anyways, what I do is I go and read good news on www.goodnewsnetwork.org. There you can find plenty of examples of people proving that there is still beauty in the world. You can also have a disney dance party (by yourself). Lately I have been doing those a lot too.
Normal Wonderlogue
Even though I am an introvert and love staying home I got a little bored, due to all this new free time, so I went on twitter. Okay I was also a little curious as to what the twitterworld was saying. I scrolled a little, got annoyed (someone was highly convinced the coronavirus is just a fancy new name for the flu. I can’t even go into this, I’m sure my blood pressure can’t handle it. I’m sorry!) and logged back out. Before getting annoyed I saw the following quote mentioned quite a few times:
‘’I know everything happens for a reason, but wtf.’’
Unknown to me.
All I can say is indeed, what is happening?! Through writing my wonderlogues I have come to understand that life has little to no rhyme or reason and in those occasions that it does have a specific reason the reveal comes way later. But even when saying that I too can’t help but wonder why? How? What is happening to the world? Helplessly trying to find answers through scientific research that is being published, while knowing that I am not going to find it there. Anyways, when I read that quote I remembered a Ted Talk I recently watched that touched me very much titled ‘’Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved’’ by Kate Bowler.
At the end she says the following (still watch the full talk though, it is absolutely worth it):
‘’Life will break your heart, and life may take everything you have and everything you hope for. But there is one kind of prosperity gospel that I believe in. I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty, and there will be love. And every now and then, it will feel like more than enough.’’
Even though right now I have no idea what the beauty of the mess that the world is embroiled in is, I do know that it is there somewhere. For me, right now when writing this, it is this big bright star that I have been seeing every night since being in self-quarantine. I first thought it was a plane but seeing that it is there every night I am doubting it very much. The fact that the definite beauty of life in my life right now is a sole bright star in the dark night sky makes me wonder about something we all want to do but generally don’t.
Update 08-03-21: That big bright star turned out to be Venus! How cool, right?!
Right now when looking at the world, most big things and (some of) our happiness sources are cancelled or close to getting cancelled. I can’t help but wonder whether instead of looking outward at what we still can do, we finally honestly start looking at the little things in life that are closer to home and more importantly start enjoying them as well. It has long been said that living your best life is not going on vacation and having a perfect Instagram feed. We are always looking for the next big thing, the next exciting thrill. But now that we can’t, due to self-quarantine in most countries, could we finally be forced to look at and enjoy the little things? Such as waking up with sunshine instead of rain? Hell, just simply waking up healthy?
I can’t help but wonder could the beauty in this awful chaos be us reevaluating life and zooming in on the little things that bring us joy?
Please stay safe everyone, take good care of yourself.
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