First of all Happy New year♥️! I wish you love, happiness and health for the upcoming year(s). May all that is good come on your path. May your thoughts, actions and words be positive. I, DCPR., wish and hope that in this new year your My Story Of I will become better and develop the➳Continue Reading…
Day to Day Changes
How To Make A ”Global” Year Plan
In order to make the upcoming year your year you need to not only know what it is you want to accomplish (click here for help figuring that part out) but you also need to make a year plan. A plan of attack basically. It was Thomas Jefferson who said: ‘’If you want something you➳Continue Reading…
Why The Difference Between When and If Matters A Lot
It’s not usual for me to start with a question but then again what is usual? Anyways, are there certain events that you really want to see happen? If you were almighty and could manifest whatever you wanted, what would you definitely make happen? Those are the events at hand right now, well actually they➳Continue Reading…
Make It a December to Remember
December 1st, the start of the last month of the year. It is such a cliché but I can’t believe it is already December. It is on days like this that we or at least I realize that time really does fly by, which is all the more reason to grasp everyday and milk it➳Continue Reading…
4 Techniques To Change Your Narrative
As you know by now the words we use have power (find out more about that power here). The words we use daily have even more power as they can and do lead our days. They influence the way we think act and do. Therefore it is incredibly important to watch what you say. We➳Continue Reading…
How To Prioritize and Find Your End Of Year Goals
We are steadily approaching the end of the year. How are your year goals going? Will you finish them by the end of the year? Some things to start thinking about as the days left are getting less and less rather fast. When you put it like that you suddenly get a new perspective. Knowing➳Continue Reading…