Roughly two months ago I, for the 673483 time, watched Eat, Pray, Love. In there is a scene that got me thinking about the new year. At some point Elizabeth Gilbert (played by Julia Roberts) said the following: ‘’This is my no calorie left behind year’’. Granted, she was talking about the fact that sheâž³Continue Reading…
Wonder About It
Establish What You Want To Accomplish In The New Year
At the beginning of every year lots of people always shout that “ 20.. will be my year. “ This is a beautiful affirmation that one should definitely say and reinforce as much as possible and then some more. However just saying it over and over again is not enough, it is plenty but notâž³Continue Reading…
A Theory On Using Verb Tenses When Writing Your Goals
Tense (noun)* = a distinction of form in a verb to express distinctions of time or duration of the action or state it denotes. Found on Merriam-Webster Don’t be scared I’m not all of a sudden going to start teaching English grammar. I have been noticing something in the books I have been reading. I’dâž³Continue Reading…
The Power Of Words
‘’Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me.’’ – Unknown (to me atleast). Who has not heard this being said? I agree with the first part of the sentence. Sticks and stones indeed have every potential to break your bones, but words, words can do far more than that. Wordsâž³Continue Reading…
Why You Should Keep Going
At some point it is understandable for frustration, anger and sadness to kick in. Changing your life is hard as it is without having extraordinary plans. When you do have extraordinary plans the change is even harder. Especially because in most cases only you can see where you are going, which can feel lonely sometimes.âž³Continue Reading…
Acknowledge Your Feelings And Emotions
In last weeks post I said something that completely contradicts my usual tone of positivity and dream chasing. Just to give you a spoiler alert; No, I’m not going to retract it. Also I don’t suddenly feel negative about everything in life. That being said, the fact that I uttered what I felt made meâž³Continue Reading…